Welcome to your new self-love journey.


Self-love is the practice of self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-advocacy, and self-care.


My Process

I’ve created a guided, structured coaching process to support you in your self-love journey.

  • I'm excited to invite you to a free, members-only space where you can embark on your self-love journey with guidance and support.

    Join my Self-Love Club to explore the fundamentals of self-love and discover practical ways to weave this empowering practice into your daily life.

    Inside, you'll find insights into my personal self-love story, along with foundational principles to help you embrace and nurture self-love every day.

    For gay men who are exploring sexual and relational empowerment through a self-love lens, I also have my free Bad Boy's Club space!

  • Once you join the Self-Love Club, you'll be given the opportunity to join my How to Love Yourself course.

    The self-guided, on-demand coaching course features full-length coaching videos on each component of self-love in addition to a downloadable companion guide full of practical exercises, tools, and techniques for beginning your self-love practice.

  • After you complete my How to Love Yourself course, you'll have the opportunity to engage in 1-1 virtual coaching sessions with me.

    Here in these sessions, we can dive into any topic that you have in mind.

    We can also expand further upon the four principles of self-love as they pertain to you, helping you to further establish a long-lasting self-love practice.

    There's no contract here, so we can meet for 1 session or 100 - it's totally up to you, what you need, and what you're looking for.

  • Once we complete our coaching sessions, you'll be on your own and ready to fly into your self-love practice as you continue strengthening your relationship with yourself.

    I'll check-in with you 30, 60, and 90 days following our last coaching session, and we can schedule any as-needed sessions, any time.



Free How to Love Yourself e-book

Download this free resource I created just for you.

Here, you’ll be further introduced to the topic of self-love, and you’ll learn how the fear of our own authentic selves often gets in the way of our ability to love ourselves.

Plus, you’ll start to learn how you navigate through this to begin improving your relationship to yourself!

Ready to go?

Self-Love Club

Receive introductory coaching support for exploring the practice of self-love to help you starting living a life of even greater fulfillment, joy, and happiness.

✓ Over 2 hours of free video coaching content
✓ Downloadable self-love coaching resources
✓ Unlimited access
Bad Boy's Club

Join me here in this special space for gay men as we explore fundamentals for practicing sexual and relational confidence free from shame.

✓ Exclusive free coaching content on sex and relationships
✓ In-depth resources and downloads for gay men
✓ Unlimited lifetime access